The Gold Award in The 4th International Conference on Islamic Economics and Financial
Inclusion (ICIEFI). Paper title: “Social and Financial Efficiency on Indonesian Islamic
Banks: Nonparametric Approach”, held in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY) Indonesia,
30-31 July 2019
One of best paper at LPS Research Grant. Paper title: “Manakah Indikator Terpenting
Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan: Aplikasi Metode Analytic Network Process”. Lembaga Penjamin
Simpanan (LPS) 2018
Finalist of Best Paper Awards at BANIC – The Business Administration National and
International Conference, 19 December 2017, Ratchabhat Univ.Thailand. Paper title: “Early
Warning to Banking Crisis in the Dual Financial System in Indonesia”
1st Best Paper Award at Forum Riset Ekonomi Keuangan Syariah (FREKS) XIV, IAIN Imam Bonjol
Padang, 9-10 Juni 2016. Held by OJK. Paper title: “Pengembangan Industri Keuangan Non-Bank
(IKNB) Syariah: Manakah Prioritas Utama?”
The 2nd Best Paper Award at National Islamic Economic Call Paper and Seminar (NIECS), 28-29
November 2012. Airlangga University, Surabaya. Paper title: “Mengurai Masalah dan Solusi
Pengembangan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah di Indonesia: Pendekatan Metode ANP-BOCR”